Stone mason killed after he was crushed by concrete and scaffolding at Fort St High Sydney  | Daily Mail Online

2022-09-16 23:48:33 By : Mr. Yibin Chen

By Michael Pickering For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 22:44 EDT, 4 August 2022 | Updated: 23:46 EDT, 4 August 2022

A man working as a stone mason has died after he was crushed by falling scaffolding and a brick wall.

The incident occurred at Fort St High School at Petersham in Sydney's inner west shortly before 11.30am.

Four rescue crews from Fire and Rescue NSW went to the scene along with NSW Police Rescue and NSW Ambulance paramedics.

'The gentleman has not been able to be revived,' Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Adam Dewberry told reporters. 

'It's going to be a protracted and complex operation to recover the person.  

'It's likely we're going to have to use a crane to start lifting off some of the debris.' 

He said Fort St High students had been directed away from the scene.

'The students have been moved away from the area and looked after,' he said.

The man's co-workers are understood to be distraught at the accident.

The cause of the incident is not yet known.

The incident that killed the stone mason occurred at Fort St High School (pictured) at Petersham in Sydney's inner west

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