Pickup Crashes At Kingsfield Road Bridge : NorthEscambia.com

2022-07-02 00:23:02 By : Ms. jane zhang

The driver of a pickup truck ran through a guardrail and crashed at the East Kingfield Road bridge over Eleven Mile Creek Friday afternoon.

It appeared the driver struck a guardrail and continued almost to the creek below the bridge, which is about a half mile east of Highway 297A.

The driver was transported by Escambia County EMS to an area hospital.

The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating.

NorthEscambia.com photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.

13 Responses to “Pickup Crashes At Kingsfield Road Bridge”

My cousin barely survived that bridge, 1000 ft from my childhood home, in 2008. They need to do something different.

A white car with a shiny Alabama tag (the team) came into his lane forcing him off the road. He had 2 choices, a head on collision or running off the road not realizing how far down his ride was going to be. It could have been much worse. He is recovering at home.

CONTEMPLATING: ” I’ve seen cars pass school buses over this bridge. Time to replace.”

Probably, but who or what should we replace the cars with??

So this guardrail completely failed, how old is it? A guardrail is designed to be high enough to curb the vehicle back onto the roadway and this one looks to be a foot off the ground! The driver has a lawsuit if he wants it, sad but true!

“rangler on June 25th, 2022 whats the deal with so many people “Losing control” of the vehicle … I’ve been driving for 24 years and never “lost control” of my vehicle.”

I think they are focusing too much on the phone, or the coffee, or the drinking, or one of the other distraction people allow in their drivetime. Just pay attention to the road!

If you’re a decent driver and you aren’t hauling butt, that bridge is not tricky, misaligned or dark, not does it have low guardrails. Look how many other vehicles travel over it with ZERO problems one a daily basis. Smh

Looks like a “guard curb,” not a “guardrail.”

Hope the driver makes a full recovery.

“Actually Ossifer, when I looked up and saw that guardrail acoming at me, I think I did a pretty good job, under the circumstances!!!”

whats the deal with so many people “Losing control” of the vehicle … I’ve been driving for 24 years and never “lost control” of my vehicle.

I think a review of the guard rail’s efficacy is in order. It may be that the truck was too high for the rail to be effective.

That bridge is tricky, narrow, misaligned, dark, low guard rails. Situated between 3 schools buses navigate this bridge all day. I’ve seen cars pass school buses over this bridge. Time to replace.

Most guardrails are good to 35mph, so the driver must have been going 36 mph

parked that truck like a boss

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Written by William Reynolds · Filed Under News 

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