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  • Building Guardrails for Autonomic Security

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:43:40

    Would you let a child drive a car? I imagine that most people would think that is reckless and dangerous. However, what if the car were affixed to guardrails that limited its movement so that it can only move within certain bounds inside an amusement park?

    Allowing the current generati

  • Repairs scheduled for flashing Miacomet antenna tower | Inquirer and Mirror

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:43:34

    (July 7, 2022) The mystery of the malfunctioning blinking light at the top of the 320-foot antenna tower in Miacomet appears close to being solved.

    The light is supposed to flash a bright white in the daytime, and then a more subdued red at night. But over the past months it’s see

  • Repairs scheduled for flashing Miacomet antenna tower | Inquirer and Mirror

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:43:33

    (July 7, 2022) The mystery of the malfunctioning blinking light at the top of the 320-foot antenna tower in Miacomet appears close to being solved.

    The light is supposed to flash a bright white in the daytime, and then a more subdued red at night. But over the past months it’s see

  • 20 photos of Chicago in the 1920s | | thewetumpkaherald.com

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:43:27

    A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 71F. Winds light and variable..

    A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 71F. Winds light and variable.

    combed historical archives to compile a collection of 20 phot

  • Korn's Jonathan Davis Remembers How Pantera Were 'Different'

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:43:14

    Korn. Pantera. Two huge metal acts that are very influential on the genre. But perhaps one wouldn't exist without the other?

    Korn singer Jonathan Davis recently looked back on how Pantera being built "different" influenced his own band when they first started out

  • close-thin

    by admin on 2022-07-22 23:42:11

    Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University

    When you think about joining a family business as a nonfamily member, what comes to mind?

    Perhaps you envision sordid scenes from the HBO drama Succession, where conniving and backstabbing are the rule of the day. Or perhaps y

  • Province extends electricity rebates - StAlbertToday.ca

    by admin on 2022-07-16 00:19:29

    Struggling St. Albert residents need much more than the additional $150 the province announced last week to manage surging electricity prices, says the head of St. Albert’s food bank.

    Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity Dale Nally announced July 6 the province wi

  • SpaceX launches 25th Dragon resupply mission to space station – Spaceflight Now

    by admin on 2022-07-16 00:19:26

    SpaceX launched a Dragon cargo ship toward the International Space Station in a fiery twilight departure Thursday from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, hauling a $118 million climate instrument, fresh food, experiments, and other supplies for the lab’s seven-person crew.

    The 5,88

  • Mining for solar power as DOE & EPA seek perspectives – pv magazine USA

    by admin on 2022-07-16 00:19:16

    Government developing a program to deploy $500 million to kickstart development of a potential 89 GW of renewables across 17,750 current and former mining sites

    Elizabeth Mine Superfund Solar Project

    The Department of Energy’s Clean Energy Demonstration Office has issued a Reques