After years of advocacy pushing to create a safer environment for people walking and rolling across the NE 45th Street overpass between Wallingford and the U District, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is moving forward with plans to improve the I-5 bridge with railings, rather t
Information and approvals for roadside electrical equipment used for lighting, traffic signal, and intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
This page provides information on pre-approved equipment for roadway lighting, traffic signal, and ITS equipment, including some additional clarifi
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AOT Road Construction Report Week of August 08, 2022
This weekly report is a list of planned construction activities that will have traffic impacts on state highways throughout Vermont. Please remember to drive safely in all work zones. Lives depend
HARTFORD, Vt. (WCAX) - Authorities say a man is in the hospital after running from police and nearly electrocuting himself on high voltage wires at a power substation.
Hartford Police say they were responding to a stolen car parked in the middle of Dewey’s Mills Road when they heard a
The South Dakota Department of Transportation says resurfacing work is scheduled to begin soon on S.D. Highway 53 in Tripp County. The $4.9 million construction project on Highway 53 extends from the U.S. Highway 18 junction southward for 16 miles. Culvert repair work has been underway for sev
Fans arriving early to Outside Lands 2022 were in for a surprise as the organizers changed up the festival’s signature windmill design for the first time in more than a decade.
The arched wooden double windmills that sat in the middle of Golden Gate Park’s Polo Field across from the
LEESBURG — “We’re up and running,” City Manager Al Minner said Wednesday morning following Tuesday night’s power outage to thousands of Leesburg Electric customers.
Lightning struck a Duke Power transmission line at the substation by the Cutrale orange juice plant on U.S. Hig