Worthing park assault: Alan Willson's wife distraught to discover one his attackers could be out of prison this month
PICTURES: Collision shuts road in Hastings
DM/22/2485: Site Of The Former Hazeldens Nursery, London Road. Reserved Matters Application following outline approval DM/19/1001 for an extra care development of up to 84 units (comprising of apartments and cottages) all within Use Class C2, associated communal facilities. 2 workshops, provision of vehicular and cycle parking together with all necessary internal roads and footpaths, provision of open space and associated landscape works, and ancillary works and structures. Works to include the demolition of the existing bungalow on the site.
DM/22/2018: Great Thorndean Barn, Slough Green Lane, Warninglid. Variation of conditions 3 and 5 of planning application DM/21/2919 - to allow a different finish to the courtyard.
DM/22/2369: Land Adj. To Village Hall, Cuckfield Road, Staplefield. Demolition of redundant loose box and erection of a 6x12 barn for agricultural and storage of machinery.
DM/21/3536: Townhouse Farm, Church Lane. Demolition of pair of semi-detached houses (C3) and steel portal frame barns currently used for commercial purposes (B8) as well as removal of hardstanding and silage clamp. Construction of 2No detached four-bedroom dwellinghouses (C3) with outbuildings incidental to the enjoyment of the properties. Amended plans received 5/08/2022 and updated supporting statements received 10/08/2022 showing revised design of dwellings and outbuildings and revised positioning of outbuildings for all Plots.
DM/22/2335: Little Lywood, Ardingly Road, Lindfield. Listed Building Consent for the removal of the stud wall between kitchen and dining room, and various internal upgrades.
DM/22/2502: Netheroak, Stockcroft Road. Use of the land for siting a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling.
DM/22/2474: Bolney Wine Estate Ltd, Bolney Wine Estate, Foxhole Lane. Proposed extension of hardstanding to create car park and associated landscaping. (Renewal of planning permission DM/19/2708).
DM/22/2494: Pilgrim Farm, Stairbridge Lane. Change of use of agricultural buildings to form 5no. dwellings with associated operational development.
DM/22/2503: Foresters Cottage, Cross Colwood Lane. Certification of Lawfulness pursuant to breach of occupancy condition, since (at least) 21st September 2011 and subsisting at the time of this application.
DM/22/0732: Rear Of 62-68 Folders Lane. Replacement of existing dwelling at 64 Folders Lane and development to provide a mix of 17 one, two, three, and four bedroom dwellings (Use Class C3), new access and associated infrastructure (additional statements received 22-03-2022) (amended drawings received 22.04.22 and 27.04.22). Additional Plan showing wheelchair access for plot 1. received 16.05.2022. Amended and additional drawings including updated Sustainability Statement and Bat and Reptile Phase 2 Survey Report received on 30.05.2022 and 06.06.2022. Energy _ Sustainability Statement received 13.06.2022 and amended drainage report received on 10.06.2022. Arboricultural Imact Assessment and amendments to Wheelchair Unit received on 05.08.2022.
DM/22/1109: Former Royal British Legion Hall, 30 Cyprus Road. Variation to condition 2 relating to planning application DM/21/3067 to allow proposed changes to the approved drawings listed in the condition. Amended plans received on 09/08/2022 showing revised design of building.
DM/22/1967: The Mercantile Adventurers, Nicosia House, 40 Cyprus Road. Proposed awning to be attached to the front of the shop to create a cover for the seating area on the front terrace for customer use (Amended drawings submitted 05/08/2022).
DM/22/2488: 14 Greenlands Drive. Single storey rear extension.
DM/22/2517: 16 Victoria Way. G1- Sycamore tree/group located adjacent to boundary: Prune back branches overhanging garden of 32 Orchard Way to approximately boundary level.
DM/22/0581: Land To The East Of Walnut Marches, Crawley Down Road, Felbridge. Erection of three new dwellings.
DM/22/2421: Unit 1, Wealden Contracts Ltd, 1 Charlwoods Place. Provision of 15.00 x 8.00m steel portal framed general B2 industrial unit.
DM/22/2460: 10 Warburton Close. Proposed 2 Storey side extension.
DM/22/2472: High Weald House, Ship Street. Amendments to previously approved DM/19/2151, to allow for new design of canopy over car parking area with associated landscaping to the driveway.
DM/22/2483: Ty Newydd, 82 Holtye Road. Rebuilding and extension to existing single storey rear extension.
DM/22/2497: 27 - 29 Birches Industrial Estate. Erection of new and extended storage structures together with the provision of new car parking spaces to frontage.
DM/22/2506: 5 The Oaks. Oak - (T1) Thin canopy by 15% and reduce lowest branch by 2 meters.
DM/22/2524: Brockhurst, Lewes Road. Timber orangery to replace existing conservatory.
DM/22/2478: The Gables, Brighton Road. Siting of a mobile home in existing garden.
DM/22/2241: 53 Washington Road. (Amended Plans received 11.08.2022) To provide access into the rear garden for a disabled resident. New suspended timber decking area along the rear elevation of the rear extension, with access by new door and window unit, replacing existing window unit. Access between the new decking area and the rear garden lawn will be by new timber steps. Square off the front hardstanding to make wheelchair movement easier.
DM/22/2431: 36 Greenhill Way. First floor side extension and replacement conservatory.
DM/22/2457: Ground Floor, 4 Heath Square, Boltro Road. Internal alterations to create 6No. studio flats (one bed, one person).
DM/22/2480: 90 Beech Hill. Proposed rear dormer.
DM/22/2489: 48 Wickham Way. Proposed two storey rear extension to replace existing extension.
DM/22/2505: 11 Old Wickham Lane. Install electric steel gates between existing brick piers.
DM/22/2361: 108 Western Road, Hurstpierpoint. Proposed loft conversion, including two rear flat roofed dormers, and two conservation styled rooflights to front roof slope.
DM/22/2422: Streams Farm, Cuckfield Road, Ansty. Demolish existing dwelling and replace with a two-storey dwelling.
DM/22/2423: Old Danworth Cottage, Danworth Lane, Hurstpierpoint. Replacement side and rear extension, oak frame garage and workshop with home office and gym above.
DM/22/2468: Alders Farm, Brighton Road, Hurstpierpoint. The retention of an existing temporary dwelling for a further temporary period at Alders Farm for the use in the proper running of the farm during the redevelopment of the existing barn into a residential dwelling for the owner.
DM/22/1497: 40 Barncroft Drive. Garage conversion and single storey rear extension to create a more usable family living space and kitchen/dining room. Loft conversion to add a bedroom with ensuite, with addition of rear flat roofed dormer and 5 rooflights.
DM/22/2216: Malling Priory, 88 High Street. Demolition of the existing single-storey extension and replace with a new single-storey extension to the side elevation, with associated hard and soft landscaping works. Fenestration alterations and internal alterations to the ground floor.
DM/22/2217: Malling Priory, 88 High Street. Demolition of the existing single-storey extension and replace with a new single-storey extension to the side elevation, with associated hard and soft landscaping works. Fenestration alterations and internal alterations to the ground floor.
DM/22/2490: Hickmans Lane Pavilion, Hickmans Lane Recreation Ground, Hickmans Lane. Change of use from F2 Hall or meeting place to Sui Generis to include two use classes, Class F1 - Learning and non-residential institutions and Class F2 which comprises recreational uses including outdoor sports facilities and community halls (all formerly Class D2). Refurbishment, loft conversion and internal alterations to the existing sports pavilion.
DM/22/2453: Freechase, The Street, Warninglid. Alterations to agricultural machinery building constructed following prior approval granted under DM/21/0217 and installation of associated underground cesspool.
DM/22/2326: 18 Hazel Way, Crawley Down. Proposed conversion of existing garage into habitable (disabled) accommodation and raising existing garage roof for installation of new insulated flat roof. New window and door installation to rear elevation.
DM/22/2383: 4 Grange Crescent, Crawley Down. Demolition of garage and rear conservatory, side extension and first floor addition with internal alterations and two south facing roof lights.
DM/22/2455: Foss Holdings, Rowfant Station Yard, Wallage Lane, Rowfant. Proposed change of use from open storage to driver training centre and associated stationing of portacabins.