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Sierra Roadwork Schedule Sunday through Saturday, June 27, 2021 – July 3, 2021
Most traffic-interfering work will be restricted from 6 a.m. Friday, July 2 until 10 p.m. Monday, July 5 due to the Fourth of July holiday.
State Route 49 (Placer County) from the Interstate 80/State Route 49 interchange to Dry Creek Road: Construction began June 17, 2019 on a $42.4 million project in Auburn. The project will rehabilitate existing pavement and drainage, improve operational features and upgrade pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
State Route 49 (Placer County) from the Interstate 80 separation Dry Creek Road: Motorists may expect intermittent lane and shoulder closures from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning for paving work.
State Route 49 (Sierra County) between the Rocky Rest Campground and Goodyears Bar and near Ladies Canyon: A $12.3 million project is permanently repairing the damaged river embankment at four locations along the Yuba River with the construction of sidehill viaducts. Motorists may expect around the clock intermittent, one-way automated traffic control and shoulder closures for construction activities.
State Route 65 (Placer County) between Lincoln Boulevard and Ferrari Ranch Road: A $1.9 million project is implementing slope stabilization and erosion control measures near the South Ingram Slough.
State Route 65 (Placer County) between Lincoln Boulevard and Ferrari Ranch Road: Motorists may expect intermittent lane closures from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Thursday morning for drainage work.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at the Interstate 80 westbound on-ramp at Atlantic Street: A $12 million on-ramp widening project, in cooperation with the City of Roseville Public Works Department, is expanding the width of the existing Atlantic Street/Eureka Road/Interstate 80 westbound on‐ramp to include three lanes and replacing the existing Miner’s Ravine Bridge to support the newly widened roadway. The project will reduce significant traffic queuing and improve the operations of local streets and intersections.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at the Interstate 80 westbound on-ramp at Atlantic Street: The westbound on-ramp and two right-hand lanes will be closed between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Monday through Thursday morning, and 8 p.m. Thursday night through 4 a.m. Friday morning for drainage work.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Douglas Boulevard to Yuba Gap: A $3.9 million project is upgrading Metal Beam Guard Rail at various locations to Midwest Guardrail Systems to meet current standards.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Douglas Boulevard to just past the State Route 174 separation: Motorists may expect intermittent lane and shoulder closures from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning for guardrail work.
Interstate 80 (Placer/Nevada Counties) between Alta and Floriston: A $6.6 million structure maintenance project will replace polyester concrete overlays and joint seals on 11 bridges. The project will extend the life of the bridge decks by sealing them off to moisture and fix rutting in the concrete overlays caused by heavy freight and vehicle travel. No traffic-interfering work is scheduled this week.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Crystal Springs to Cisco Grove: A $57 million project will replace four Interstate 80 bridge overcrossings in Placer County: Crystal Springs, Baxter, Drum Forebay and Cisco Grove. All overcrossings are being widened to include 8-foot shoulders, a 6-foot sidewalk and will include ramps that comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at Crystal Springs and Drum Forebay: Eastbound motorists may expect a full highway closure from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday through Friday morning for bridge work. Eastbound traffic will be detoured off the highway at the off-ramps and back on via on-ramps.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at Crystal Springs: The Crystal Springs overcrossing will be closed around the clock through December for bridge reconstruction.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at Drum Forebay: The Drum Forebay overcrossing will be closed around the clock through December for bridge reconstruction.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Crystal Springs to Blue Canyon: Motorists may expect intermittent lane and shoulder reductions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday for bridge work.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at Cisco Grove: Motorists may expect around the clock one-way traffic control on the overcrossing.
Interstate 80 (Nevada County) from Farad to the Acid Flat Bridge: A $7 million Acid Flat rockfall project and a $2.5 million Farad rockfall project are installing draped mesh on the westbound slopes to prevent erosion and materials from falling onto the highway below.
Interstate 80 (Nevada County) from Farad to the Acid Flat Bridge: Westbound motorists may expect lane and shoulder reductions from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Thursday for slope clearing work.
State Route 174 (Nevada County) from Maple Way to You Bet Road: A $27.1 million safety improvement project will realign several curves, widen shoulders, add a southbound left turn pocket at Greenhorn Access Road and improve the clear recovery zone, allowing errant vehicles to regain control.
State Route 174 (Nevada County) from Greenhorn Access Road to You Bet Road: Motorists may expect one-way traffic control from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday for grading work.
State Route 20 (Nevada County) at Mill Street: Motorists may expect alternating lane, shoulder and partial ramp closures around the clock Sunday through Friday for electrical work. Motorists may also expect full ramp closures from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning.
State Route 20 (Nevada County) at Dorsey Drive: Motorists may expect alternating lane and shoulder closures around the clock Sunday through Friday for electrical work.
State Route 20 (Nevada County) at Coyote Street: Motorists may expect alternating lane, shoulder and partial ramp closures around the clock Sunday through Friday morning for electrical work. Motorists may also expect full ramp closures from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning.
State Route 20 (Nevada County) from Zeibright Road to the Omega Rest Area: Motorists may expect intermittent one-way traffic control and shoulder closures from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday for a crack seal operation.
State Route 20 (Placer/Nevada Counties) from Bear River to Lake Spaulding Road: Motorists may expect intermittent one-way traffic control and shoulder closures from 9 a.m. to noon Monday for utility work.
State Route 20 (Nevada County) at the Interstate 80/State Route 20 junction: Motorists may expect shoulder and partial ramp closures from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday for electrical work.
State Route 49 (Nevada County) at McKnight Way: Motorists may expect shoulder and partial ramp closures from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday for electrical work.
State Route 49 (Nevada County) at Empire Street: Motorists may expect alternating lane, shoulder and partial ramp closures around the clock Sunday through Friday morning for electrical work. Motorists may also expect full ramp closures from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Rock Springs Road to the State Route 193 separation: Motorists may expect intermittent lane, shoulder and ramp closures from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning for grinding and paving.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Newcastle to just before Ophir Road: Eastbound motorists may expect a long-term shoulder closure through mid-September for water line relocation.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) from Ophir Road to Elm Avenue: Motorists may expect intermittent lane, shoulder and ramp closures from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. Sunday through Friday morning for grinding and paving.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at Dutch Flat: Motorists may expect shoulder and partial ramp closures from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday for electrical work.
Interstate 80 (Placer County) at Eagle Lakes: Motorists may expect shoulder and partial ramp closures from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday for electrical work.
Interstate 80 (Nevada County) at Soda Springs: Motorists may expect right shoulder closures around the clock Monday through Friday for electrical system work.
Interstate 80 (Nevada County) from the Donner Lake Interchange to Donner Pass Road in Truckee: Eastbound motorists may expect intermittent lane and shoulder closures from 2 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and 2 a.m. to noon Thursday for shoulder work.
Interstate 80 (Nevada County) from the chain-installation area near Donner Pass Road to Central Truckee (exit 186):
Interstate 80 (Nevada County) from the CHP Donner Pass inspection facility to Floriston: Motorists may expect intermittent lane and shoulder closures around the clock Monday through Friday morning for striping and shoulder work.
State Route 89 (Nevada County) from Rainbow Drive to Sage Hen Road: Motorists may expect one-way traffic control and shoulder closures from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for miscellaneous work.
State Route 89 (Sierra County) from Sage Hen Road to Cottonwood Road: Motorists may expect one-way traffic control and shoulder closures from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for miscellaneous work.
State Route 174 (Nevada County) from Narrow Gauge Drive to Meadow View Drive: Motorists may expect one-way traffic control and shoulder closures from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. Tuesday through Friday morning for drainage work.
State Route 174 (Nevada County) from Sunrise Lane to Gold Hill Drive: Motorists may expect one-way traffic control and shoulder closures from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday for drainage work.
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